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출입국사무소(Hi Korea) 방문 예약하기
2017년부터 출입국사무소 업무(외국인등록증 신청, 이적신청 등)를 위해 예약이 꼭 필요합니다. 인터넷으로 출입국사무소를 에약하실 수 있으며 아래 가이드라인을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 1. Hikorea.go.kr 웹페이지로 접속합니다. 2. '방문예약'을 클릭해주세요. 3. 방문예약 페이지로 이동 후 "방문예약 신청(비회원)" 버튼을 클릭해주세요. 4. 외국인등록증(ARC) 번호 또는 여권번호를 입력해주세요. (1) ARC 번호를 입력할 ...
How to make an online reservation for the immigration office
Since 2017, the Korean immigration office only offers the service for those who made a reservation in advance. You need to make a reservation to apply for your Alien Registration Card or to transfer/extend your visa, etc. It is a simple process to ...
List of Immigration Office in Korea (출입국사무소)
The following is a list of immigration offices located in South Korea. Please find the city or area you reside in the “Areas Covered” column and find the corresponding immigration office in charge of that area. For a more detailed list of addresses ...
I changed my address, do I have to report to immigration office?
Yes, Every Foreign Residents should report the change of address within 14 days of the moving date, or you will get fined. You can either report your change of residence to the immigration office or district (gu) office for that. these are the ...
E2 Visa Instruction for Transferring Teachers in Korea (Renewing ARC for New Employment)
[E2 Visa Instruction for Transfering Teachers] This guide is for teachers that are currently in the process of finishing a teaching contract in Korea and have already employment at a new school must transfer their current E2 status in order to work ...