WSE - Wall Street English
What are my working hours?
Teachers work from 1 pm to 9 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 6 pm or 11-7 on weekends. Six of these hours are in class. In a given week, there are 35 working hours and 30 contact hours.
What are my days off?
Teachers get two consecutive days off, as Saturday and Sunday are peak hours these days are offered during the week. Teachers also get all national public holidays off (approx. 11) and 10 vacation days per year. If a holiday falls on your weekend, ...
How many classes will I teach a day?
Teachers have 6 contact hours per workday – most are spent teaching classes, though occasionally teachers socialize with students in the study area. Of the two hours of downtime, one is for lunch/dinner, and the other is for lesson planning.
Who will I be working with?
Each centre’s team consists of CSAs (receptionists), Course Consultants (sales team), Study Advisors, Foreign Trainers, Service Team Supervisors (in larger centres), a Service Manager, and a Center Director. Teachers and majority of Service Manager ...
How long is my contract?
Your initial contract is 12 months. Most teachers choose to renew their contracts after the first year.
When do we get paid?
Payday is once a month, on the 3rd. Once you have your ICBC bank account open, WSE will deposit your check directly into your account. You will receive assistance from HRD and/or a staff member in opening a bank account and applying for a debit card.
Who will help me sort out accommodation?
Your Service Manager, HR, and other members of our staff will help you look for housing and will connect you with an agent. WSE will assist you with an interest-free loan of up to 10,000 RMB, which will then be incrementally deducted from your ...
How long does training take?
The formal training period is during the first week – by no later than the end of 2-3 weeks you will be on a full teaching schedule. To assist you during your first couple of weeks, you will begin by observing other teachers during many of their ...
Do we have internet access at work?
There is a teachers’ room in each centre which has computers for internet access.
Is there a staff lunchroom/canteen at my WSE center?
Most centres have a pantry with a fridge, microwave, and water dispenser. Moreover, each centre is located in a mall or office building, and therefore you have many options for restaurants/cafes within the mall or in surrounding places within walking ...
What is the dress code at work?
The dress code at WSE is professional – neat, polished, and 5-star. Business attire is required and all tattoos and piercings must not be visible. Dress shoes are required and flip-flops of any kind are not allowed.